When they say he is the king, they mean it. Jawan fever is all over Chennai right now as Shah Rukh Khan has landed in the city to launch the audio music of his most-awaited blockbuster. Jawan is special in many ways to everyone, but Atlee's story looks special. The Jawan director got emotional during the audio launch of the film and narrated how he had manifested to meet the Pathaan for the last 13 years. Calling Jawan star his father figure, Atlee narrates the story of meeting him for the first time ever. Like every fan, even Atlee waited outside Mannat to have a glimpse of the superstar, and today he is standing next to him; his manifestation has turned into reality. Jawan director Atlee speaks about meeting Shah Rukh Khan after a long wait of 13 years. At the audio launch of Jawan, Atlee said," 13 years ago, I took a photo standing in front of SRK's Mannat Gate, and now the same open gate opened for me when I first met #SRK to utter the script. He is more than Father to me." What a remarkable journey, Atlee.
#Atlee - 13 years back I took a photo standing infront of SRK's Mannat Gate & now the same open gate opened for me when I first met #SRK to utter the script.He is more than Father to me.. #JawanPreReleaseEvent #Jawan#JawanTrailer #ShahRukhKhan @iamsrk @Atlee_dir pic.twitter.com/vKmgMY5tzt
Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) August 30, 2023
Atlee's wife cannot stop crying after the Jawan filmmaker narrates Shan Rukh Khan's reaction when he learnt about them having a baby. In this video, you can see Atlee's wife shedding tears after he happily tells how Shah Rukh Khan asked him to chill, have family time, and not worry about the film for a while.
Atlee sharing the experience of informing Shah Rukh Khan about his wife's pregnancy @priyaatlee ? The heartwarming connection between @iamsrk and @Atlee_dir ??#Jawan #JawanInChennai #JawanPreRelease #JawanPreReleaseEvent #ShahRukhKhan pic.twitter.com/WnTYdPehvp
Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) August 30, 2023
Shah Rukh Khan breaks into a dance with Jawan co-star Priya Mani. Priya Mani and Shah Rukh Khan bonded over their song 'Get on the Dance Floor', together from Chennai Express and broke the floor with their moves, and fans stopped screaming and how. Jawan is slated to release on September 7, and fans cannot contain their excitement; till now, the trailer of the film has not been released.
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