Tamil actor Vishal has delivered a hit with Mark Antony. The movie that stars SJ Suryah and him has made Rs 50 crores from the Tamil Nadu belt alone. It is the story of two gangsters Mark and Antony who find a machine to do time travel. Vishal is playing a double role for the first time in his career. In a shocking video, he has said that he had to pay bribe of Rs 6.5 lakh to a mediator in the Mumbai office of CBFC to ensure that Mark Antony gets a release in Hindi. He said he had no other option.
Take a look at video of Mark Antony star Vishal
Trade expert Manobala Vijayabalan has shared this video where Vishal says this is the first time in his career that he has paid bribe. He said that he had no choice given the monetary loss he would have incurred otherwise. Take a look...
BREAKING: Actor #Vishal paid a BRIBE of 6.5 lacs for #MarkAntony Hindi censor at CBFC Mumbai Office.
Total 2 transactions - 3 Lakhs for screening and 3.5 Lakhs for certificate. "Never faced this situation ever in my career. Had no option but to pay the concerned mediator pic.twitter.com/zfkpdKLo8X Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) September 28, 2023
Netizens are quite upset knowing that such corruption exists even in the CBFC. They have demanded that he name the official behind such a grave and shameful act.
Vishal's big step against corruption ????
Dr Sanjeev Krishan (@isanjeevverma) September 28, 2023
Brave move by Vishal. I support his stand to fight against corruption.
Manoj Tiwari (@ManojTiwariIND) September 28, 2023
Hats Off Vishal for telling the truth..
World Stats & Index (@statsfeed_india) September 28, 2023
Vishal has been in the news of late for reasons other than films. He is one of the actors to be given a red card by the producers body. Mark Antony survived the Jawan wave to do really well in the South. Vishal is also the producer of the film, which is directed by Adhik Ravichandran. GV Prakash scored the music of the film.
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