Earlier this year, the entertainment industry was shaken when news broke that Sushmita Sen had suffered a heart attack while shooting for Aarya 3 in Jaipur. The former Miss Universe had to undergo an angioplasty and have a stent placed due to a 95 per cent blockage in her main artery. Her co-star in the series, Ila Arun, who plays her arch-nemesis, recently shared her thoughts on the incident and the future of the show.
Ila Arun, in an exclusive interview with News18 Showsha, recounted the moment she learned of Sushmita Sen's health scare. She had been looking forward to a 15-day shoot schedule in Jaipur but was informed that the shoot had been cancelled due to Sushmita's heart attack.
"I was shocked because I'm personally very attached to her. And I couldn't connect with her," Arun revealed. The two actresses had previously shared screen space in the film Chingaari (2006).
Ila Arun also admitted that she was concerned about the fate of Aarya 3 as it revolved around Sushmita Sen's titular character. "I thought the show will be shelved. I kept thinking who can be the possible replacement for Sushmita. After all, she’s the real Aarya. We had a few days of shoot for the third season, and I thought that they might make some changes to the script. But then one day, I got a call from them that the shoot is resuming.”
Speaking of the upcoming season, it will start streaming on Disney+ Hotstar from November 3 onwards.
Also Read: Sikandar Kher shares selfie from Aarya 3 sets with Sushmita Sen; says, “Always there to serve, protect”
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