On Sunday, a host of celebrities like Katrina Kaif, Rashmika Mandanna, Kriti Sanon, Naga Chaitanya, and father Nagarjuna, attended Navratri celebrations hosted by a jewellery brand. As videos from the event made their way to social media, fans could not take their eyes off the actors’ traditional look. The party was hosted in Thrissur and actors like Shilpa Shetty, Wamiqa Gabbi, Janhvi Kapoor and Ajay Devgn were also seen in attendance. The ethnic choices made by Janhvi Kapoor are unsurpassed. She has served as our source of wardrobe inspiration for every major festivity. She chooses festive attire for the celebrations, such as extravagant lehengas and elegant sarees. When Janhvi chose a pink drape from the designer line Manish Malhotra for the Kalyan Jewellers Navratri event, she made a brilliant decision.
For a reason, Janhvi Kapoor is a fashion icon for people everywhere. The actress always wears stunning outfits, especially when she opts for ethnic number. Every time she appears in public, her stunning drapes catch the eye of her admirers—and for all the right reasons. The actress selected a pink and gold tissue saree for the Navratri festivities. The lovely pink gold piece has a subtle sheen that is both elegant and joyful. The diva paired it with a sleeveless blouse with a deep v-neck, an embroidered back, exquisite patti borders, and a stunning pallu with golden accents. Janhvi chose jhumka earrings and a necklace as her accessories. She went all out with her ultra-glam makeup, which featured open hair, kohl-rimmed eyes, shimmering eyelids, well-contoured cheeks, and a pink matte lip colour.
Janhvi Kapoor has an amazing line-up of films. She will be making her Telugu debut with Devara opposite Jr NTR . The actress will also be sharing the screen with Roshan Mathew & Gulshan Deviah in upcoming political thriller Ulajh. She will reunite with Rajkummar Rao for Mr and Mrs Mahi. The actress has been taking cricket training for the film as well.
ACTRESS: Janhvi Kapoor
OUTFIT: Manish Malhotra
STYLIST: Priyanka Kapadia
HAIR: Hiral Bhatia
MAKE-UP: Riviera Lynn
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Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor attends Navratri celebrations; fans cannot stop gushing over her love for Indian traditions
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