Seema Sajdeh, who is popularly known as Seema Khan, recently opened up about her marriage and divorce with Salman Khan’s younger brother and actor-producer Sohail Khan. The fashion designer, who recently gained love and fame with the ongoing reality show Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives, opened up about the kind of stigma she had to face post divorce and how she handled it. In the same interaction, Seema also rubbished rumours of a certain ‘other woman’ having a role in their separation, asserting that she made a conscious choice of opting for her son instead of the marriage.
In a candid conversation with Shivani Pau during a podcast, Seema Khan opened up about her divorce saying, “Some people say all sort of things, that I left because of other women, that’s the most common one. But no, I made a choice. When two people are in a situation where both of them are not happy, when there is constant fighting, the fallout is always the kids. You don’t realise that in that phase of your life, time passes so quickly, kids grow up quicky, you don’t realise when you have done damaged there (on the kids). The kids are collateral damage. So, it was a conscious decision for him.”
Further, the designer also asserted how she did not want her son to suffer. “Our son Nirvan was at that age where he didn’t want it but there came a time when I had to choose between my marriage and my son. My son was going down a path that I was very scared of. One morning I woke up and realised that either I focus all my energies on saving this marriage, or my son. That’s when I decided and chose him.”
In the same breath, Seema also addressed the rumours of how many reacted to her divorce, wondering if she was with the Khan family for fame. “We live in the day and age of social media so I have people comment like, ‘Oh she used him and that family for as long as she needed to, got where she wanted to get and now she wants to be free.’ I was like, what just happened here?! But there were also people who were nice to me, so I chose to focus on that and feel encouraged.”
Apart from her designing, Seema Sajdeh is currently gearing up for the third season of the reality show Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives.
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