Katrina Kaif along with Salman Khan is back on the silver screen with the third installment of the Tiger franchise. With Aditya Chopra’s Tiger 3, they have reprised their iconic characters, super-agents Tiger and Zoya from the YRF Spy Universe. The film has collected Rs. 201.50 crores at the domestic box office so far. In an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Hungama, Katrina talked about the success of the film, and the much talked-about hammam towel fight scene with Hollywood actor Michelle Lee.
Katrina Kaif said that shooting for action films can be ‘tough’ and one can’t go unprepared. She said, “When it’s Tiger time, that mode goes on. That’s a different mode. I was talking about it yesterday with Vicky, and he was explaining to someone that ‘when Tiger comes, it’s a different mode and I see a different person.’”
Talking about the most viral action sequence, the towel fight scene at a Turkish hamam in Tiger 3, Katrina said that it was all about making the fight look real, intense and visually engaging. Katrina said that the brief before the shooting of that scene was not to ‘look very hot, and beat the hell out of each other.’ She revealed, “I think the director has that trust in me that, first, we’re out there to make the scene look real. I think with Tiger, the action has always been a little more hand-to-hand. There’s a lot of combat. You kind of get involved in the fights. With the hamam scene, I think it was Adi (Aditya Chopra) who had conceptualized that fight. It seemed so novel and unique, and it was a challenge for all of us to get it right. It’s got to look real, and intense, but it’s also got to look aesthetic because you want to see the fight. For me, that’s how action should be.”
Michelle, the actress who fights with Katrina in that scene, had previously said that Katrina and she had rehearsed for over 2 weeks before they shot the sequence! She said, “We learned and practiced the fight for a couple of weeks and then shot it. The set design was gorgeous and the fight was really fun to do.”
She added, “Katrina was as graceful and professional as can be. She worked really hard on getting the movements precise and making sure all the movements flowed. It was clear she had experience in choreography so it was super easy to work with her. We worked up a sweat!”
Produced by Aditya Chopra and directed by Maneesh Sharma, Tiger 3 also stars Emraan Hashmi. It was released this Diwali, Sunday, November 12 in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu.
ALSO READ: EXCUSIVE: Tiger 3 star Katrina Kaif on different visions of directors of Tiger franchise, calls Kabir Khan and Ali Abbas Zafar her ‘close friends’
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