Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif are back on the silver screen with the third installment of the Tiger franchise. With Aditya Chopra’s Tiger 3, they have reprised their iconic characters, super-agents Tiger and Zoya from the YRF Spy Universe. The film has collected over Rs. 220.25 crores at the box office so far. Now, cricketers Harbhajan Singh and Mohammed Kaif have praised the movie and its success.
During the pre-match show before the World Cup Final between India and Australia, Harbhajan Singh said, “Bahut bahut mubjara ho aapko Tiger 3 jo successful hui hai and jaise aapki Tiger 3 successful hui hai yeh hi campaign yahan cricket mein bhi successful ho jaaye. Teesera title mil jaaye bharat ko.”
Mohammad Kaif added, “Bahut shubhkaamnayen Salman bhai. Dekhiye aapki Tiger 3 hit ho gayi. Aap dua kare. Katrina Kaif bhi maujud hai aap dono dua kariye ki Rohit Sharma aaj teesri baar hamara trophy hai do baar pehle karnama ho chuka hai ess baar Rohit Sharma kare woh karnama. Trophy uthaye yahan pe.”
Produced by Aditya Chopra and directed by Maneesh Sharma, Tiger 3 also stars Emraan Hashmi. It was released this Diwali on Sunday, November 12 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Also Read: Sunny Deol congratulates Salman Khan on the success of Tiger 3: “Tiger Zindabad”
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