Bollywood actor Sunny Deol once again took to social media to extend his support and admiration for his brother Bobby Deol's upcoming film, Animal. Following his earlier applause for the film's intriguing trailer, Sunny shared a compelling still from the movie that featured Bobby, letting his eyes convey a myriad of emotions.
In the Instagram post, Sunny Deol captioned the image with a simple yet affectionate “Bob” along with a heart emoji, showcasing the strong bond between the Deol brothers. The captivating still captures Bobby Deol in a moment where his eyes speak volumes, hinting at the intense and gripping narrative that Animal promises to deliver.
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Responding to the post, Bobby Deol expressed his gratitude with a heartfelt “Love you” in the comments section, emphasizing the support and camaraderie between the two brothers. Fans and followers flooded the comments section with praise for Bobby Deol's powerful on-screen presence. One user noted, “All time best deol brothers,” while another comment read, “What a expression speaks a lot about his acting ability.”
Sunny Deol's consistent encouragement for Bobby Deol's work in Animal adds to the anticipation and excitement surrounding the film, creating a buzz among fans eager to witness the brothers' collaboration on the big screen.
Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar’s T-Series, Murad Khetani’s Cine1 Studios and Pranay Reddy Vanga’s Bhadrakali Pictures have backed Animal. The film is in the crime drama genre and promises to take viewers on a thrilling ride on 1st December 2023.
Also Read: Sunny Deol recreates his iconic ‘dhai kilo haath’ dialogue at IFFI 2023; watch
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