Earlier this year, Athiya Shetty married cricketer KL Rahul in an intimate ceremony. The cricketer recently shared his thoughts and approach towards cricket as a youngster in an interview with Star Sports ‘Believe’ series. He also shared the support he received from his wife, Athiya Shetty during injury and rehabilitation and her little superstition when he’s batting.
Recalling the injury and her superstition, KL Rahul said, “She was with me. She's always been with me through everything. She was more frustrated and angrier most days than I was. So, I found myself, trying to keep her calm than anything else. But it was also the first time that she'd seen me go through something, like this. So, it was tough for both of us, but it also gave us time that we needed together, which was good for us. Things started slowly and I think I need to go back to the same process again. I feel like the negativity manifested into the injury and in this phase, I just stayed happy and enjoyed the smaller things in life and enjoyed being at home, being with my wife, being with my family that helped me recover so much, so much faster and get back into the game much more happier and much more excited to play the sport that's given me so much joy.”
He added, “She is gonna kill me but I don't really think about her when I step onto the ground. It's always cricket and I don't mean this in a bad way or in any unromantic way. What she does do for me is, you know, she lets me, she gives me a lot of love and, and there's a lot of peace. So, if I'm peaceful if I'm in a very balanced state of mind, that helps me perform my best, and she knows that. That’s what she does for me in terms of Cricket and professionally and also for me as a person. I can be a little laid back, and a little too content at times. She does push me, she challenges me to be better or to push my boundaries a little bit, which also I feel with a person like me, is sometimes needed. Off the field, I think she brings a lot of fun to my life. There's a lot of love, obviously and she understands me. She gets me. And she's also someone who, who's busy herself or she's also in the public eye. So she gets the ups and downs of our industry. So it's easy for me to talk to her, to communicate with her and then she's just my person. I mean, she's the one person that I talk to as soon as I finish my games or before I go to a game, before I sleep when I wake up, it's, it's just her. So yeah, married the right person!”
He further said, “I kept telling her that it was special because the World Cup was at home, and you should come and watch the game in the stadiums a lot more. But she doesn't like being in the stadium because she feels the pressure. She feels like you know, she enjoys, she has a lucky spot at home. So, she wants to sit there. You know how, how partners can be. You know, they have their lucky positions, their lucky seat. They want to sit there and watch it and she'll not move when I'm batting. She has certain superstitions that she has her own game that she plays when I'm playing the game. So, yeah, it's very special. And she knows that she can feel it. She can sense it. She's been with me in Australia. When we played, that was special as well. Even though it wasn't a home World Cup, it was, you know, the energy in Australia, the way we played, it was, it was phenomenal. She loved it and she could sense that it's very different from what we play back home or the IPL so yeah, she just started to understand cricket a lot better now.”
India will play a second test match against South Africa on 3rd January 2024. ALSO READ: Athiya Shetty shares a beautiful birthday wish for brother Ahan Shetty; Tadap actor reacts
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