Indian actress Rakul Preet Singh celebrated her boyfriend Jackky Bhagnani's birthday with a sweet and affectionate Instagram post on December 25. The actress shared a delightful series of photos capturing their moments together, showcasing their bond and camaraderie on various occasions and vacations.
Expressing her heartfelt wishes, Rakul Preet wrote a touching note accompanying the pictures. She wrote, “Happppppy bdayyyyyyy my (heart emoji) on this bday and everyday I wish you receive abundance of all that you desire . Your kindness, innocence is rare to find , your jokes are the silliest but I have to admit they are funny .. protect all of this cos they don’t make men like you anymore here is to adventures, travelling , eating and laughing together always. @jackkybhagnani.”
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A post shared by Rakul Singh (@rakulpreet)
The post instantly garnered warm wishes and greetings from fans and industry members, marking the joyous occasion of Jackky Bhagnani's birthday. Rakul Preet's affectionate and celebratory gesture highlighted the special bond they share, evident through the captured moments of joy and togetherness.
The couple's fans and well-wishers joined in the celebration on social media, extending their heartfelt greetings and contributing to the festive atmosphere surrounding Jackky Bhagnani's special day.
Also Read: Rakul Preet Singh wraps up filming for her next film! shares a heartfelt post
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