Padma Vibhushan awards were announced yesterday. Chiranjeevi Konidela and Vyjayanthimala are the two stars from Indian films who have got the prestigious awards. Celebs from Tollywood like Nagarjuna, Ravi Teja, Maruthi, Sai Dharam Tej and others congratulated him. His daughter-in-law Upasana Kamineni Konidela took to social media to wish him on this prestigious occasion. She had posted on X, "Congratulations dearest Mammaya." We know that she uses that term for him as an endearment. Fans of the superstar sent love to her on social media.
Congratulations dearest Mamaya @KChiruTweets
Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) January 25, 2024
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Upasana Kamineni shares adorable pic of Chiranjeevi and Klin Kaara
Upasana Kamineni Konidela has shared a picture where we can see Chiranjeevi posing with all the girls of the family. In his arms, he is holding his grand-daughter Klin Kaara. The little one is in a red outfit. She wrote, "What you see are five fingers that form a powerful fist...Congrats to our inspiration, not just in cinema & philanthropy but in life - as a dad, father-in-law & granddad. Chirutha, honored with Padma Vibhushan. Love you."
She has also tagged her sister-in-law Sushmita Konidela in the pic. His son Ram Charan termed him an impeccable citizen in his post on X. He said he was grateful to the Government of India and thanked the countless fans who always showered love on him.
Congratulations @KChiruTweets on the prestigious 'Padma Vibhushan'! Your contribution to Indian cinema and society at large has played an instrumental role in shaping me and inspiring countless fans. You are an impeccable citizen of this great nation..
Immense gratitude to Ram Charan (@AlwaysRamCharan) January 26, 2024
Klin Kaara, joy of Konidela family
Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni were blessed last year with their first child, a baby girl Klin Kaara. She has been named as per the Lalita Shahastranaman. The couple shared a wonderful video on social media.
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