Renowned actress Shriya Saran attended the grand wedding reception of Ira Khan, daughter of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, and her now-husband Nupur Shikhare. The star-studded event, held in Mumbai, was a celebration of love and companionship, and Shriya Saran stole the spotlight with her grace and style. When it comes to donning the six-yards, Shriya Saran, the actress known for her role in Drishyam 2, consistently demonstrates her impeccable fashion sense. Once again, she lit up Instagram with her recent fashion statement. In a post shared today, the renowned actress was captured wearing a splendid golden saree.
I have no doubt that Shriya Saran is the absolute queen of festive fashion. Her exquisite selections of lehengas and sarees set the standard for fans of desi fashion every time. Shriya recently stole the show at the wedding reception of Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan and celebrity fitness coach Nupur Shikhare with an incredible six-yard marvel. The actress looked stunning in a silk Kanchipuram saree from the well-known label VRK Heritage. Lace borders offered a sense of regality and highlighted the glittering golden drape even more. Shriya unabashedly embraced the extra shine by matching the saree to a cropped blouse with above-elbow sleeves, backless drama, and silver embellishments. Her hair was styled into a chic low bun after being painstakingly separated down the middle. Shriya chose a single kangan on one wrist, hanging earrings, and a gold clutch from the accessory collection. Her glam look included a tiny red bindi, nude lips, kohl-rimmed eyes, and a dewy base.
On Workfront, Shriya Saran will be featured alongside Emraan Hashmi in the upcoming webseries Showtime. Showtime—a Hotstar Original—will be available on Disney+ Hotstar this year.
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Also Read: Shriya Saran reflects on a joyous and successful journey; says she is ‘grateful’
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