IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, whose life story inspired the critically acclaimed film 12th Fail, recently shared his perspective on the movie's impact and his takeaway. While the film, starring Vikrant Massey and directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, garnered success, Sharma revealed that he received no monetary compensation for the story or the book that inspired it.
"If you ask me personally, I didn't get anything," Sharma stated at the ABP Ideas of India summit. "I am a visapt imaandaar (totally honest) person. My wife is also like that." He spoke about his commitment to ethical conduct, refusing monetary benefits and maintaining a "no gift system" with his wife.
Sharma expressed that the film's true reward lies in its inspirational impact on young audiences. "School students are sending me letters saying they want to be like me," he shared, highlighting the movie's powerful message of perseverance and honesty.
While acknowledging filmmaker Chopra's role in bringing his story to life, Sharma emphasized the importance of such narratives. "There are so many stories but no one cares," he said. "This story is not special. It is about a kid you'll find in every corner of our country."
Sharma concluded by reiterating his belief in hard work, integrity, and rejecting shortcuts. "If even a few people feel they should work hard and be honest, then I don't think there can be a bigger reward for me," he stated.
Coming back to the film, it was released in October 2023. Later, it made its debut on Disney+ Hotstar. Despite its OTT release, the film managed to attract footfalls at the box office.
Also Read: Fact-Check: 12th Fail is NOT the first film to play in Baramulla, Kashmir; Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan was the inaugural film; Vikrant Massey-starrer is the first to get daily shows
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