Actor Varun Tej is all set to make his debut in Bollywood with Operation Valentine. He will be seen playing an Airforce pilot in the film along with Manushi Chhillar. While Varun's glimpse from the film has left many impressed, the actor has gone that extra mile while prepping for the film. He has closely worked with Air Force officers to get the nuances of his character right. At present, Varun is busy promoting his bi-lingual film that releases on March 1, 2024.
Having done some amazing work down South, Varun has fans rooting for him. But one thing he is often asked about is his film family lineage. Varun who comes from a film family of stalwarts like Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan, Allu Arjun, and others, is often questioned about his equation with his siblings. Recently, he spoke about the bond he shares with Ram Charan and Allu Arjun.
Sharing if competition exists within the family, Varun said, "We are all very helpful to each other, there is no competition as such. We are all very secure in our own spaces. Everyone has been around for years and is doing very well in their capacity. Sometimes we joke about it, but there is no competition at all."
After Operation Valentine, Varun will be next seen in Matka.
Also Read: Varun Tej and Manushi Chhillar starrer Operation Valentine team visited the Pulwama memorial
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