Shruti Haasan and Santanu Hazarika have apparently ended their relationship of four long years. As per viral news reports, Shruti Haasan and Santanu are not living together any more. The actress had made a solo appearance at the screening of Heeramandi. It seems the two decided to end their affair as they were not finding the same wavelength on some matters. This was creating a lot of issues. Now, a video of Shruti Haasan and Kamal Haasan has come out. We can see him discussing love with his elder daughter. He says that while romance might be fragile or end terribly, no one can deny its beauty. BollywoodLife is on WhatsApp. Get all the latest Entertainment News and TV News updates instantly.
Kamal Haasan and Shruti Haasan discuss love
Kamal Haasan and she have released a video called Legacy Of Love. Kamal Haasan directed the music video Inimel featuring Lokesh Kanagaraj and Shruti Haasan. In the video, Kamal Haasan says, "How beautiful is romance and how terribly it ends. And yet you keep fighting for it. Even a person like me, who has renounced most traditions and social constraints, cannot renounce love." In the video, we can see the dad and daughter singing Inimel while she is playing the piano. She says the song was about them writing about the making and breaking of relationships.
Kamal Haasan the coolest 'Goth' dad
We know that no one aces the Goth look as beautifully as Shruti Haasan. She says she loves the look because of her dad, Kamal Haasan. She says she did not have a conventional upbringing. Her father taught her to love rock music. She also says she was influenced by his cool looks for his roles with the beards and tattoos. She says he wore mostly black at home. So, Shruti Haasan credited him for her Goth obsession.
The actress has Salaar 2 lined-up along with Dacoit with Adivi Sesh. Shruti Haasan and Lokesh Kanagaraj's pairing for the Inimel music video got immense love from everyone.from South Gossip - Bollywood News and Gossip | Bollywood Movie Reviews, Songs and Videos | Bollywood Actress and Actors Updates |