In an event set to redefine promotional grandeur, Kartik Aaryan, returns to his hometown of Gwalior for the highly anticipated trailer launch of his upcoming film, Chandu Champion. The actor, brimming with excitement, took to social media to share his homecoming joy with his fans, posting, "Back Home for the Trailer Launch of my most special film 6pm See you at Roop Singh Stadium Gwalior."
The buzz surrounding Chandu Champion, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by Kabir Khan, has been electric ever since the first posters were released. These posters, showcasing Kartik Aaryan in three distinct and transformative looks, have left audiences and the film industry in awe. His remarkable physical transformation has everyone talking and heightened anticipation for what promises to be one of the actor’s finest performances.
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The trailer launch event, set against the backdrop of Gwalior's iconic Roop Singh Stadium, is rumored to be one of the grandest events. The choice of venue is a heartfelt nod to Kartik's roots, making the event even more special for the actor and his legions of fans. The homecoming is not just a personal milestone for Kartik but also a celebration for the city that has supported him throughout his journey to stardom.
The excitement is palpable, with local media and fans thronging the streets, eager to catch a glimpse of their hometown hero. Kartik's arrival in Gwalior has turned the city into a festive hub, with banners, posters, and enthusiastic crowds adding to the celebratory atmosphere.
Chandu Champion is being hailed as one of the biggest and most awaited films of the year. The posters alone have sparked widespread intrigue, but it is the trailer that is expected to create waves across the nation. Kartik's versatility as an actor is on full display, with each of his three looks hinting at a layered and powerful performance that could potentially be a career-defining role.
Jointly produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and Kabir Khan, Chandu Champion is set for a June 14, 2024 release, and is poised to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of audiences worldwide.
Also Read: Kartik Aaryan and Chandu Champion team receive grand welcome in Gwalior ahead of trailer launch, watch
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