Bollywood icon Madhuri Dixit marked her 57th birthday on May 15, and the outpouring of wishes from celebrities and fans alike was overwhelming. Social media platforms were flooded with heartfelt messages and posts dedicated to the superstar. In a special gesture, Madhuri Dixit engaged with her fans through an Ask Me Anything session, where she answered numerous questions about her life and career. Among the queries one fan asked: “How do you like to celebrate your birthdays?” To this, she replied, “Spending the day with my family and loved ones.”
Another fan wrote: “What has been the best present you've ever received on your birthday?” To this, Madhuri Dixit said: “My kids flew down to surprise me for my birthday.”
A third fan asked, “Your favourite memory from your childhood.” Madhuri Dixit replied: “The whole family coming together to celebrate each other!”
On her birthday, Madhuri Dixit also received a very special message from her husband Dr Shriram Nene. Along with a bunch of throwback pictures, he wrote: "Happy birthday to the woman who dances through life with grace, charm, and a killer smile! You light up our lives in ways words can't express. We love you endlessly," with the hashtags #BirthdayGirl and #ForeverInLove.
Anil Kapoor, who has appeared alongside Madhuri Dixit in several movies, also wished the star. “To say that you are one of my favourite co-stars would be accurate but not nearly enough. You are most importantly, one of my favourite buddies. Ours is a friendship that transcends all screens and I'm lucky to have your radiant presence in my life. May you always have reasons to smile so that the rest of us can bask in its glory. Happy birthday Madhuri Dixit,” he wrote.
Also Read : “Most of Madhuri Dixit’s roles were that of independent women,” says trade analyst Amod Mehra
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