Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, the upcoming film promises a rollercoaster of emotions. The movie reunites Ajay Devgn, Tabu, and director Neeraj Pandey. In a recent interview, the stars and director shed light on the film and their experiences of working together. The interview, hosted on the NH Studioz YouTube channel, showcased the camaraderie between Devgn, Tabu, and Pandey. They reminisced about their collaboration, highlighting the "sweetest, warmest, and most fun-filled memories" of creating Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha.
Devgn used the opportunity to share his thoughts on the importance of staying active. He cited Amitabh Bachchan as a prime example, emphasizing how continuous work keeps one sharp and engaged. Devgn confessed that he finds himself restless when not working, showcasing his genuine passion for filmmaking. “Gradually, you start forgetting all your hobbies. And now, when you have a break, you really don’t know what to do with yourself. You realise that you enjoy being on set the most. I’m the happiest on set, or when I’m working,” he said.
Devgn elaborated on his belief that work keeps one young and prevents stagnation. He mentioned how hobbies tend to fade away with time, leaving work as a constant source of fulfillment. He encouraged everyone to embrace work throughout their lives, highlighting Mr. Bachchan as a shining example of how continuous work keeps one mentally and physically active. He continued, “I also believe – and I hope everybody believes this as well – that till whatever age you live, you keep working. The moment you stop working and decide to chill in life, you will age three times faster. Look at Mr Bachchan. He loves to work, he’s continuously working at this age also. He’s intelligent, normal, sane today also, only because he’s working.”
Devgn further shared his observations from Singapore, where he noticed a strong emphasis on keeping the elderly workforce active. He praised their system of finding suitable positions that don't require strenuous activity, subscribing to the philosophy of "rest is rust."
Coming back the film, revolves around Krishna and Vasudha, played by Devgn and Tabu respectively, who face significant hardships that ultimately lead to their separation. The narrative takes a dramatic turn when Krishna is sentenced to life imprisonment for multiple murders. After 22 years, he is released, and the crux of the story revolves around his final meeting with Vasudha. The central question – will their love survive the test of time and the weight of past experiences? – promises a captivating exploration of love, loss, and the possibility of redemption.
Beyond the lead duo, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha boasts an impressive supporting cast including Jimmy Shergill, Saiee Manjrekar, Shantanu Maheshwari, and Sayaji Shinde. The musical score is composed by the Oscar-winning maestro, A.R. Rahman, with lyrics penned by Manoj Muntashir. ALSO READ: Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha: Ajay Devgn & Tabu release third song ‘Kisi Roz’ to give a glimpse of Krishna and Vasudha’s story
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