In March 2022, Rimi Sen, known for films like Dhoom (2004), Golmaal (2006) etc. filed a police complaint against a friend, Ronak Vyas, for cheating her of Rs 4.40 crores. As per the reports filed at that time, Jatin Vyas assured Rimi of high returns if she invested in his new company that dealt with LED lights. After Jatin stopped taking her calls and didn't return the money, the actress realized that she had been duped.
As per the latest development, Rimi Sen approached the Bombay High Court over this matter. Talking exclusively with Bollywood Hungama, Rimi Sen explained why it took more than two years for the case to process, “My file got misplaced. This happened when the Khar Police Station was being shifted. In the FIR, one needs to take the signatures of 3-4 senior officials. So, once your file gets lost, you need to start afresh the process and once again get the signatures. This took 2 years.”
She added, “I was frustrated (over the delay) but then the police are always busy and I can’t blame them. Sometimes, they are busy due to elections or some other duty. Hence, they can’t provide swift details. They are also under tremendous pressure. Hence, my lawyer Milan Desai suggested that we get an order from the High Court. Then, the police are obliged to work on the case on a priority basis.”
Rimi Sen revealed, “Recently, I got a call informing me that the case has shifted to CID Unit no 9, headed by Daya Nayak ji.”
Talking about Jatin Vyas, Rimi alleged, “He’s a conman. He’ll settle in a city and rent a flat in an upscale residential society belonging to a builder like Lodha. He’ll buy a swanky car and become a member in elite clubs and gyms. He’ll befriend people and then run away after scamming them. A lot of cases are registered against him in Gujarat as well.”
She confessed, “I got trapped in his scam. It began with investing Rs. 20 lakhs for a period of 60 days at the rate of interest of 12% to 16%. After 60 days, when I asked him about the principal amount, he suggested that I should invest Rs. 50 lakhs for a return at 12% interest. In this manner, he made me invest at regular intervals.”
Didn’t she get suspicious of Ronay Vyas? Rimi explained, “I didn’t have a suspicion as he was like ghar ka aadmi. Mere family ke saath khaana khaaya hai usne. Hence, I felt he had my best interests in his mind.” She also said, “My ethics are so strong that even after being conned by him, I haven’t mentioned his wife in the FIR, though his family members are in Mumbai. And they all support him.”
On recent developments, she said, “Now that the High Court has given the order, a chargesheet will be filed either today or tomorrow. Once it's submitted, an arrest warrant will be issued against him. If his whereabouts are not clear, he will be declared as an absconder.”
Is there any idea where Jatin Vyas is right? Rimi replied, “It seems that he’s abroad. I don’t think he’s in India. He won’t take the chance”. She added, “If he’s in India, the police have the power to get him arrested. If he’s in a foreign country, Interpol will be informed and arrangements will be made to extradite him. I have full faith in the judiciary and police, especially Daya Nayak ji. We all know that he’s a brave and capable officer. He can nab anyone in just 15 minutes”
She continued, “So, I have confidence that the case will now be fast-tracked. I am sure that he’ll be punished so that woh zindagi mein kisi acche insaan ke saath aisa kaam na karein.”
Rimi Sen also looked at the positive side, “By God’s grace, I have access to the media and to appoint an able lawyer. I also have money to fight the case. Many don’t have the time or money. Unko choona laga ke log chale jaate hai and they suffer. I don’t want anyone else to go through such an ordeal.” She also stated, “My lawyer, Milan Desai, guided me very well. I’d also like to thank the previous judge Revati Mohite and the current judge of the case, Mrs Deshpande.”
When asked if she ever interacted with the family of Jatin Vyas, Rimi Sen exulted, “The police officers called the family members. They said ‘Itna bada principal amount kaise denge?’ But my principal amount is Rs. 4.40 crores. If I add the interest, the amount goes up to Rs. 13-14 lakhs. However, his relatives claimed that Jatin owes me only Rs. 2 crores! I requested the officers, ‘Yeh sab fraud hai. Please action lena chalu karo’!”
Rimi Sen signed by saying, “The last time, I spoke with Jatin, I told him ‘Tu chori karke bhaaga hai. Main tere paas pahuch gayi toh tere se gin gin ke paise lungi’.”
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