Dharma Productions, traditionally known for its romantic dramas and family-oriented films, has taken a bold step by producing a 99-minute thriller in a striking departure from their usual genre. Marking the debut of actor Lakshya, the film titled Kill, is characterised by intense action and bloodshed, showcasing that the production house is looking for versatility and willingness to explore different forms of storytelling.
Karan Johar and other producers on the film being a first
“It's the first of its kind. We traditionally make love stories and dramas. This one is a blood bath. It's a genre film, which is like 99 minutes of bloodshed,” said Karan Johar. Voicing out a similar opinion was Apoorva Mehta, CEO of Dharma Productions, who added, “Our films are extremely non-violent. The maximum you'll see is a slap or a push. So this is really a 360-degree turn. We have done everything possible that we have not done all these years with this film.” Co-producer Guneet Monga continued, “This is my first-time insane action film. It's India's most violent and goriest film.”
The story of the film
Kill tells the story of a commando who hops into a train to reunite with his girlfriend before she is married off by her parents to someone else. But the train gets captured by a group of bad guys and now he is forced to fight.
More about the action thriller
Kill is also produced by Guneet Monga Kapoor's Sikhya Entertainment and it's her first foray into action as well. The film stars Lakshya, Tanya Maniktala, and Raghav Juyal in the lead and the action film directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat is being produced by Karan Johar's Dharma Production along with Guneet Monga Kapoor's Sikhya Entertainment. It is slated to release on July 5, 2024. Apart from a positive response for the trailer, Kill has also achieved an incredible feat for a Bollywood movie. It happens to be the first Hindi movie to have more than 1000 estimated screens booked across North America.
Also Read: Lakshya underwent 9 months of rigorous training to play a commando in Kill
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