The trailer launch of the film Ghuspaithiya was launched at a multiplex in Mumbai in the presence of its actors Vineet Kumar Singh, Urvashi Rautela and Akshay Oberoi along with director Susi Ganeshan and the producers. One of the most memorable moments of the event was when the director was asked about working with Shah Rukh Khan in Mani Ratnam's acclaimed film Dil Se (1998), co-starring Manisha Koirala.
Susi Ganeshan said, “I was the associate director on Dil Se. He (Shah Rukh Khan) has a quantum of energy. During the shoot of the song 'Chaiyya Chaiyya', we planned to shoot in Assam as the story is set there. But shooting there would have been very difficult. Hence, we changed the colour of the train so that it looks like a train from Assam.” The iconic song was shot in the Nilgiris in the South of India.
Shooting the track, however, wasn’t easy. Susi said, “Normally, in tunnels, stones might fall. And the train in the song passes through a lot of tunnels. We physically checked each tunnel.”
What made the experience joyful, according to him, was Shah Rukh Khan’s attitude. Susi Ganeshan revealed, “During the whole shoot, he took care of each and every member. He would stand with us and walk with us. When a superstar is working with you like this, the whole unit will also enjoy working on the film. His energy would transfer into the whole unit.”
The filmmaker then raised laughs as he revealed, “We also shot the film in Dharamshala. Once we had a party there and a lot of booze was ordered. Now, I drink but then, I was a teetotaller. Shah Rukh's favourite drink was Bacardi. He got the whole unit to compel me to drink. But he failed (smiles)!” He ended the answer by saying, “He was a wonderful person.”
Distributed by AA Films, Ghuspaithiya releases in cinemas on August 9.
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan honoured with exclusive gold coin by Paris’ Grevin Museum
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