Sunny Deol and Anil Sharma made a return with Gadar 2 in 2023, which broke box office records with its action-packed narrative. The film achieved tremendous success, leading to speculation that the director is planning a sequel, Gadar 3. Recently, he provided an update, stating, "Kaam chal rha hai and it will be an atom bomb of emotions."
In a recent interview with Rajasthan Patrika, Anil shared an update on Gadar 3 and said, “The work on the story of Gadar 3 is underway. Earlier, I used to say that I would make Gadar 2 when I had an emotional ‘bomb’ to share. Now, I say that I will make Gadar 3 when I have an emotional ‘atomic bomb’ to share.”
In a recent interview with Pinkvilla, Anil Sharma stated that he is now focusing on Vanvaas and intends to begin work on Gadar 3 once the film is out. He defined Vanvaas as a modern-day "emotional Gadar," noting that it returns to the family genre, much like his earlier hit films Shradhanjali, Bandhan Kuchchey Dhaagon Ka, and Apne.
He went on to say that the film is set in Banaras and involves the Kumbh, showing a profound emotional journey that spectators will connect with. Sharma also stated that Vanvaas would be released before the end of the year, after which he would begin preparing Gadar 3.
Previously, Sharma stated that his team of writers has been diligently brainstorming ideas for the third part and have already established the fundamental premise for the sequel. This next episode, like its predecessors, will be set in the context of the Indo-Pak struggle, but the stakes will be higher than ever.
According to a source close to the project, Anil Sharma and his writing partner, Shaktimaan, came up with this idea during conversations. The filmmaker also confirmed that Tara Singh will return for the third instalment.
Also Read : 1 Year of Gadar 2 EXCLUSIVE: Anil Sharma says “I had told Sunny Deol, You DESERVE to charge Rs. 50 crores per project. This film would help you achieve that'”; reveals his next film with Nana Patekar is titled Vanwaas: A Journey Of Life
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