Kangana Ranaut is all set for the release of her upcoming film Emergency, which she has also directed. The actor and BJP MP has received widespread plaudits for her portrayal of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the film's recently released trailer. In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, Kangana acknowledged the possibility of people taking offense when making a film on politics. She gave the example of how she is not offended when imitation artists impersonate her.
When asked if she is concerned that people will be insulted because her film is about a sensitive political matter, Kangana responded that she makes films based on her own perspective and is unconcerned about what others think.
She said, "I often see people imitating me. There are a lot of mimicry artists who try to imitate me. I don't get offended when I see them."
She further added, "If someone mimics me with sincerity and captures my basic mannerisms, I am truly impressed and flattered. It's about connecting with the intent behind the act. I never second-guess what people will think about me. I made this movie from my own perspective, so let's see how it will be received."
Kangana's Manikarnika Films and EasyMy Trip collaborated to develop Emergency. The film also stars Shreyas Talpade, Anupam Kher, Milind Soman, Mahima Chaudhary, late actor Satish Kaushik, and others in key roles.
Also Read : Sikh body demands BAN on Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency: Expresses concerns over misrepresentation of Sikhs
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