Filmmaker Shubh Mukherjee has carved a unique path in the Indian film industry. Starting from scratch at the age of 17, his journey has been nothing short of inspiring. Recently, he achieved a personal milestone by directing a campaign starring SS Rajamouli, a filmmaker whose work he has long admired. In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, Shubh opened up about his experience of working with Rajamouli and his vision for Indian cinema.
On Directing SS Rajamouli for ‘Cinema Is Back’ Campaign For Shubh Mukherjee, the chance to direct SS Rajamouli for a campaign was more than just a professional opportunity; it was a moment of personal achievement. Rajamouli, known for his epic films such as Baahubali and RRR, has redefined Indian cinema with his grand storytelling and cinematic vision. When asked how he related the Cinema Is Back campaign to the celebrated director, Shubh's admiration was evident.
“Directing a campaign of this scale was a fun challenge because you're trying to recreate that cinematic experience on screen, especially when it's about bringing cinema back. SS Rajamouli epitomizes Indian cinema. He's doing for Indian films what Hollywood does for regular films,” Shubh shared, describing the director's impact.
He went on to explain the meticulous preparation Rajamouli undergoes for his films. “When I went to dub with him, I was amazed by the level of prep he does. He has a whole team working for months on pre-production before they even start the film. That kind of homework and planning is what makes him so successful, and it’s something I took away from the experience.”
Shubh expressed that the opportunity to work with Rajamouli, even if just for a short time, was invaluable. “Being around him for a couple of days gave me so much to take back,” he remarked, reflecting on the influence that those moments had on his own craft. The Dream List: Actors Shubh Mukherjee Wants to Direct Shubh Mukherjee’s passion for storytelling extends beyond just working with top filmmakers. When asked if there are any actors he dreams of directing, Shubh was quick to share his list of talent, revealing his desire to work with some of the biggest names in the industry.
“I would love to direct so many talented actors,” he said. “Alia Bhatt is definitely one of them.” Shubh also reflected on his past experience directing Vicky Kaushal. “I've directed Vicky before, but it was more of a docu-drama. If given the opportunity, I would love to direct him in a fictional piece.
To conclude the chat, we asked Shubh to share exclusive details of his upcoming projects for our readers. In response, he said, “One of the only things that I can share right now that working very passionately on my film script, hopefully, which gets to see the light of day next year, because we'll hopefully take down floors next year. But yeah, this is something that will be a full-length feature, which I'm making after almost a decade.”
Also Read: “SS Rajamouli is a perfectionist,” says filmmaker Shubh Mukherjee; speaks about his “seamless” experience of shooting ad with Baahubali director
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