Veteran actor Nana Patekar recently spoke candidly about his long-standing frustration with being replaced by Jackie Shroff in the 1989 film Parinda. Nana, who was initially cast as Anil Kapoor's on-screen brother, revealed that the change came about due to Anil Kapoor's influence, a decision that left him resentful at the time. However, Anil Kapoor later clarified that the final decision was made by the film's director, Vidhu Vinod Chopra, not him. Despite the past tension, the film went on to become a classic, and both actors have since maintained a cordial relationship.
During a promotional event for Nana Patekar's upcoming film Vanvaas, the actor revisited the topic of his replacement in the 1989 classic Parinda. Recalling the experience, Nana humorously said, “You bullied me so much during Parinda. I was going to play the brother’s role in the film. We’d even done rehearsals. Jackie was hired later, because of Anil.” The two actors, who have since reconciled, shared a light-hearted moment as they reflected on the past. Nana’s comments sparked nostalgia for their earlier collaboration, as they now gear up for their new film directed by Anil Sharma.
As the promotional conversations for Vanvaas continued, Nana Patekar opened up further about his initial replacement in Parinda, expressing gratitude for the unexpected turn of events. “But I would like to thank him, because if he hadn’t insisted on Jackie, I wouldn’t have got the role of Anna,” Nana acknowledged. In response, Anil Kapoor explained his rationale behind the casting decision, referencing his extensive experience on film sets, including working on Hum Paanch. “I might be wrong, but I felt that for my brother’s role in Parinda, Jackie would be the best choice. I’m being very honest with you.”
During their recent reunion to promote Vanvaas, Nana Patekar and Anil Kapoor candidly revisited the long-standing tension surrounding Nana's replacement in Parinda. Nana expressed lingering resentment and stated, “Because of your honesty, I lost the role. You realise I didn’t work with you for 19 years after that? I thought, ‘Yeh toh bada bakwaas aadmi hai yaar.’”
Anil said, “It was nothing against you. I merely made a suggestion to the director, and the final decision was his. Remember this. These people fire off the shoulders of heroes. But you were the star, of course he’d listen to you.” Despite the tension, Nana admitted Jackie Shroff’s performance was worthy of praise, acknowledging, “Jackie did a good job, though. He won a Filmfare award for his performance.”
In their recent conversation to promote Vanvaas, Nana Patekar and Anil Kapoor revisited the fallout from Nana’s replacement in Parinda, where tensions resurfaced over casting decisions. Anil, defending his role in the casting, explained, “Our family has been in the film business for 60 years, please know that I would never compromise on the film for anything. We are friends now, so many years later...” Nana, acknowledging their current camaraderie, thanked Anil for supporting Vanvaas' promotion but added, “You’ve changed now, but back then, you would behave like a star.”
Also Read : Nana Patekar can’t stop gushing about Anil Kapoor in Animal; says, “You were the only one in the film who had a restrained performance”
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