After winning hearts with her performance in the renowned Marathi movie Gharat Ganpati, Nikita Dutta will be seen in the much-anticipated film Jewel Thief. The heist thriller, which also features Saif Ali Khan and Jaideep Ahlawat, has officially wrapped up and actress Nikita Dutta is all smiles as she shares a glimpse from the last day on set. The film from Siddharth Anand's Marflix Production promises to be a thrilling cinematic ride, and fans are eagerly waiting to see the pairing of Nikita Dutta and Saif Ali Khan.
Taking to her social media, Nikita posted a picture with the cast and crew and captioned, "Film wraps are always emotional. But this one is hitting differently. See you on the screens, @MarflixP."
Film wraps are always emotional. But this one is hitting differently. ????♥️ See you on the screens ????@MarflixP
— Nikita Dutta (@nikifyinglife) November 30, 2024
Besides this, Nikita Dutta has shared a picture with Mamta Ananad from the sets and captioned, "JUST PYAAAAAAAR".
Earlier in May, the actress had shared another set of pictures from the sets of the Saif Ali Khan starrer where she was also seen posing with Kunal Kapoor, who too will be seen in a key role in the upcoming entertainer. According to a report in Mid-Day, the film's journey began in Mumbai, where an extensive shooting schedule captured the bustling energy of the city. This initial phase laid the groundwork for the complex heist at the centre of the story.
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Report suggests that Khan and Ahlawat's characters will find themselves on opposite sides of the law, their rivalry fuelling the narrative. Jewel Thief marks a significant reunion for Siddharth Anand and Saif Ali Khan. The duo last collaborated on the 2007 film Ta Ra Rum Pum. The film's screenplay is penned by Grewal, Anand, and Sambit Mishra.
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