Prime Video in collaboration with the prestigious 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) hosted the debut episode of its first-ever Telugu Original talk show, The Rana Daggubati Show on November 21. Boasting a distinctive format that redefines the conventional talk-show experience, the episode showcased a never-seen-before side of host Rana Daggubati as well as his guests Nani, Priyanka Mohan, and Teja Sajja, who indulged in candid conversations brimming with light hearted banter, heartwarming moments, and deep reflections.
The interaction took an endearing turn when Rana curiously asked Nani about his married life with Anjana Yelavarthy. A blushing Nani revealed how his wife Anjana’s family, comprising highly qualified individuals in technical fields, was starkly different from his own background. He said, “She is the granddaughter of the famous and celebrated scientist, Mr. Yelavarthy Nayudamma. Anjana has a diary—his diary. On one of its pages, he's written, “I met Mrs. Indira Gandhi today.” A few pages later, he writes, “After my breakfast with NTR Sir!”
“I honestly didn’t think our wedding plans would materialize. It was back when I had just started out in the film industry. As actors, we don’t know what the future has in store for us. They (Anjuna’s family) were all brilliant in academics.” When Rana questioned how he convinced his wife's family of their marriage, Nani cheekily quipped, “Once you meet me, all such doubts get cleared. Those doubts stay only until you meet me.”
Created and hosted by Rana Daggubati and executive produced by him under the banner of Spirit Media, the unscripted Telugu Original eight-episode series features a dazzling line-up of guests, including Dulquer Salmaan, Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Sreeleela, S.S. Rajamouli, Ram Gopal Varma, and many more, as they indulge in entertaining conversations peppered with intimate repartee and engaging activities that bring out a never-seen-before side of Rana’s guests. During their unfiltered chat, the celebrities discuss family, love, hobbies, among other things, making the episode an exciting watch for viewers. The Rana Daggubati Show will stream exclusively on Prime Video from November 23, available in India and over 240 countries and territories worldwide, with new episodes every Saturday.
Also Read: Prime Video Hosts the World Premiere of The Rana Daggubati Show at the 55th International Film Festival of India
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