Filmmaker Kalees’ Baby John hit the theatres yesterday on the occasion of Christmas. In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, Varun Dhawan, who plays the main lead, revealed that in a unique effort to connect with audiences across regions, he took the step of learning bits of Tamil and Malayalam for the role. Speaking about the experience, Dhawan said, "Learning these languages has been a challenging but rewarding journey. It’s my way of showing respect to the rich cultures of the South while enjoying them."
Baby John Sparks Nationwide Excitement During the course of the conversation, Varun Dhawan recited the dialogue of the film, which goes like, “Mere jaise bohot aayenge, lekin main pehli baar aaya hoon.” There was a humorous moment as Kalees struggled to speak the line. Keerthy, Kalees and Atlee were the major attraction to the south audience.
A Groundbreaking Film Bridging North-South Cinema Baby John aims to bridge the North-South divide with a carefully crafted storyline that blends Bollywood’s grandeur with the technical brilliance of South Indian cinema. Featuring a diverse team of writers, technicians, and musicians, the film’s production reflects its vision of unity. With its universal appeal and groundbreaking collaboration, the movie aims to be a milestone in uniting audiences across the country.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: “Baby John isn’t just a character, it’s an emotion and a dream role for me,” shares Varun Dhawan
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