On December 4, a stampede happened in Hyderabad at the Sandhya Theatre during the screening of Pushpa 2: The Rule. For the screening, a lot of fans gathered that Allu Arjun was present for the same. The stampede led to a woman's death and her son being hospitalised due to injuries. Last week, Arjun was arrested in the case and was released on bail the next day.
Pushpa 2 Stampede Tragedy: Sukumar visits the victim
Today, Pushpa 2 director Sukumar visited the victim in the hospital. The director also offered financial help to the family. The director's spokesperson took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to confirm the same. The tweet reads, "Director Sukumar visited Sri Tej at the hospital. His wife (Tabitha) donated 5 lakh to Sri Tej's father on December 9." Before his arrest, Allu Arjun's father Allu Aravind also visited the hospital to check up on the boy's health. Aravind also met the kid's father and the husband of the wife, who lost her life in the stampede. When Arjun was arrested in the case, there were extreme reactions on social media. A lot of celebrities also came out in the Pushpa 2 actor's support.
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After coming out on bail, the actor shared a statement with the media thanking everyone. The actor assured that he is with the victim's family to support them in every possible way. "I thank everyone; this incident was very unfortunate; we are extremely sorry whatever happened; we are with the family; this never happened with anyone; I am there to support the family in every way; I am thankful to everyone," said the Pushpa star.from South Gossip - Bollywood News and Gossip | Bollywood Movie Reviews, Songs and Videos | Bollywood Actress and Actors Updates | Bollywoodlife.com https://ift.tt/9xdeYlH https://ift.tt/3htH68i